Sunday, September 29, 2024

Tonight's Stinker: Hollywood in the Atomic Age

Tonight's Stinker Hollywood in the Atomic Age - Monsters! Martians! Mad Scientists! (2021) Rather dry & meandering documentary that starts off by touching on how Roswell more or less started the alien genre, then wonders into rubber suit monster & the guys who made them, then just wonders off.... About halfway through, the audio & video become unsynched....

Why does COMMUNISM kill so many people??? (IT'S NOT THE GULAGS OR PURGES!!)

Saturday, September 28, 2024

Tonight's Stinker Mission Stardust (1967)

Tonight's Stinker Mission Stardust (1967) Astronauts are sent to the moon, but a drug lord has some insider information on the mission.... Upon reaching the moon, the rocket is attacked, it's rover is destroyed, and the astronauts find an alien spaceship, where they meet an incredibly stuck up female alien & her dying companion... The aliens take the humans to Africa to find a doctor who can save the old man, which ticks off a regional warlord with the drug lord right behind.... At one point, the drug lord's henchmen are wearing red baseball caps.... Predictable in many ways, but delightfully corny...

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tonight's Stinker Aftershock 1990

Tonight's Stinker Aftershock (1990) After WW3, raggedy rebels face off with men in black jumpsuits, when an alien shows up.... Mostly kung-fu, with a few decent b-movie veterans...

Sunday Memes

Sunday Memes

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tonight's Stinker STAR KNIGHT (1985)

Tonight's Stinker STAR KNIGHT (1985) During medieval times, a wizard (Klaus Kinski) prays for an angel, and the next thing y'know, the villagers are demanding the local count to do something about a Dragon.... Of course, the count has his own problems with a social climbing soldier, a rebellious daughter and a priest who sees evil everywhere... However, the angel/dragon is really a space alien (Harvey Keitel) who falls for the princess, but can't take off his helmet, or he'll suffocate... Really bad VHS dub with re-dubbed audio... Sorta plays out like an SNL skit that got turned into a movie, like a fairy tale with four letter words & some nudity, that starts out with everyone talking backwards like Yoda....

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Tonight's Stinker Rewind This! (2013)

Tonight's Stinker Rewind This! (2013) A documentary about the evolution of VHS, how it went from second run movies to Strait To Video releases, & so on & so forth.... With interviews of producers, directors & personalities of the home video craze... Yes, it includes some porn, as it revolutionized THAT market as well...

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Tonight's Stinker; Monster from Green Hell 1957

Tonight's Stinker Monster from Green Hell 1957 Starts out with scientists losing a rocket full of bugs, then a few weeks later, a mission in Africa reports giant bug attacks... A few months later, the scientists hear about the hubbub in at the mission in Africa & decide to to see for themselves.... Then, walking, walking, hostile natives, walking walking walking, contaminated water, more walking, a monsoon, walking, reach the mission, a pause, then resume walking..... At one point, they run out of water, but they never run out of cigarettes.... Most of the excitement occurs during the first twenty minutes...

Sunday Memes–Kama-Lama-Ding-Dong edition

Sunday Memes–Kama-Lama-Ding-Dong edition